We've had a very busy week this past week. But we're doing well and enjoying our new business. I think it will all come together soon and we'll be able to hire someone for our front desk and I won't need to spend as much time there. I actually love what I've been able to do at the office. The organizing is really fun, the talking to clients is really fun. The part I don't like is the guilty feeling of not being home when my kids come home from school. That part is going to change!!! I need to be there until we hire someone so that when Jeff is in a consult, I can answer the phone and schedule appointments, but I'm going to make an extra effort this week to be home at least a couple of days before my kids get here. I really want to be a stay at home mother, but I can certainly see the draw to go to work. It will be nice when I can just go in when I want to.
A couple of weeks ago our Stake Presidency announced an impromptu Stake Conference for our stake. Elder Bednar was coming to town and had called a stake conference for the Lehi stake. That was kind of shocking. Elder Bednar spoke to that today and he said "Wo Wo Wo" unto all those who speculated and spread rumors about why he was here. He was actually very personable and wonderful to listen to. I'll just write about what I felt about what he said, not try to tell you what he said. He actually commented that we should let the general authorities distribute what they want to distribute and that we should listen and learn from the Spirit.
Elder Bednar told us that the reason he was here speaking to our stake was because he was coming to do leadership training with the stake presidencies and Bishops in 12 stakes in our area yesterday, and as he was going to be here, he asked if there was a stake that hadn't had a member of the quorum of the 12 in awhile and they found that Lehi stake hadn't had anyone from the 12 since 1979. I'm so glad he came. As our family left our house at 8am for a 10am meeting so we would have a seat up close (we still had to sit in the hard seats by the way), Jeff and I were talking about being General Authority groupies getting there so early.
First off President Ahlstrom spoke to us about the importance of the Atonement. He gave a great talk. Then his wife Amy bore her testimony. They actually called on two of our stake's youth to bear their testimonies - they hadn't had any advanced notice. The Laurel was Lydia Jarman from Mesa Vista ward and the Priest was Jakob Shill from 2nd ward. He's on the youth committee. They both did a great job. Elder Bednar commented on where else would you find 16 and 17 year olds that could speak with no advanced notice in front of 2000 people and do such a great job bearing their testimonies. Then Elder Bednar's wife spoke. She bore her testimony about the gospel and about her husbands calling. I thought that was neat that she would tell that she knew he had been called of God and had the apostolic authority.
Elder Bednar actually spoke for an hour. First he spoke to those who were not members who were there. He bore testimony of Joseph Smith and talked about how it made complete sense that God would appear to to a young man who would be able to be molded and shaped into what he was meant to be. He spoke of the prophecies from the old and new testament that spoke of the apostacy and restoration. Then he said that if this story was true - that it was the most important thing they've heard in their lives. Then he bore testimony that it was true. I loved the way he spoke to the truth and spoke of how it made sense.
He spoke to members who had come to the meeting who had been away from the church for awhile. He welcomed them back and asked them not to leave again. He talked about reasons they might have left. If it was sin - he invited them to speak to their Bishops and take care of it. He spoke about how the atonement was there for them. Another reason was taking offense. He didn't repeat his talk from General Conference, but he did say that if they were offended before they might be offended again and he talked about the choice they had to not take offence.
Then he spoke to the general members of the stake about the difference between testimony and conversion. It was so beautiful. I understood him to say that a testimony is not enough to save us. A testimony is just a starting point that should lead to conversion, but we can't just say that we have a testimony and leave it at that. As I've been preparing for what I talk about at our Ward Conferences to the youth, I thougth that really applied to the theme for the youth for this year from Timothy of being an example of the believers. It doesn't just work to say that we believe the church is true (testimony) if we don't live what we believe, we haven't truly been converted.
I loved what he said about how the atonement wasn't just for healing, it was for giving us strength to improve our conversion, or committment to living the gospel. Then the most amazing part was when he left us with an apostolic blessing, but he quoted a scripture from Heleman that speaks about building our foundations on the rock of our Redeemer and that if we build our foundations on that rock we will not fail. He talked about how we are in the midst of the storm right now, but we don't need to be afraid and fearful. We should say a prayer of gratitude for the fact that we are being given the opportunity to return to provident living. He talked about how the Nephite pride cycle worked and how in the space of not many years they learned to be humble. I liked the part about not many years. Anyway, I had a really good feeling that if we are trying to do what we're supposed to be doing. If we're prepared with our year supply, if we're living within our means and don't have a lot of debt we're okay. I'm so glad to know that Heavenly Father is merciful and wants to give us every opportunity to come to Him. I don't see this as being a punishment - I see it as an opportunity to become stronger as we're given strength to bear our burdens.
Anyway, I know this is a serious blog, but I was really touched by what was said and what I felt at our meeting today.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Sorry - no pics - my camera's gone!
I would post pictures of our time at the sand dunes over New Years, but I don't have them anymore. I went to Notations this morning and came out to find my driver's door window bashed in and my camera gone. What a pain. The theif caused me several hours of trouble including working with the police, the insurance and the glass company and lots and lots of vacuuming to get all of the pieces out. They might be able to pawn in for $30 or $40. Maybe next time they'll let me know they're going to rob me and break a window - I'll offer them $50 just to save myself the trouble - we'll both come out ahead!
I had a cooolllllddd and windy drive afterward to Scottsdale to our Vital Solutions office. Things are up and running. We've signed up 3 clients in our first 2 days. I'm really excited about seeing them progress. We need to get our marketing going to bring us more clients, but it's nice to be able to get the flow of the office down right now.
I must say - I don't think I'm cut out for the working mother bit. I'm exhausted when I come home. Thankfully today my kids helped out with some chores so my house doesn't go completely dirty. We do still have our Christmas tree up. All of the decorations are off of it and down from the house and put away, but the tree is still up and the lights are still up on the house. Jeff and I have hardly had a chance to breath. (Don't mind the 3 posts today - I'm sitting down for awhile). Anyway as soon as we get enough clients to warrant it - I'm staying home way more often and we'll hire someone to answer phones and run the front desk. It's fun and challenging, but I've got so much going with Young Women's and my kids that I don't want to fall by the wayside. It will be really nice when I can go to the office only when I want to.
I'm so grateful that we've been able to put this together though. We've been very blessed and are lucky to have good partners in the business.
I had a cooolllllddd and windy drive afterward to Scottsdale to our Vital Solutions office. Things are up and running. We've signed up 3 clients in our first 2 days. I'm really excited about seeing them progress. We need to get our marketing going to bring us more clients, but it's nice to be able to get the flow of the office down right now.
I must say - I don't think I'm cut out for the working mother bit. I'm exhausted when I come home. Thankfully today my kids helped out with some chores so my house doesn't go completely dirty. We do still have our Christmas tree up. All of the decorations are off of it and down from the house and put away, but the tree is still up and the lights are still up on the house. Jeff and I have hardly had a chance to breath. (Don't mind the 3 posts today - I'm sitting down for awhile). Anyway as soon as we get enough clients to warrant it - I'm staying home way more often and we'll hire someone to answer phones and run the front desk. It's fun and challenging, but I've got so much going with Young Women's and my kids that I don't want to fall by the wayside. It will be really nice when I can go to the office only when I want to.
I'm so grateful that we've been able to put this together though. We've been very blessed and are lucky to have good partners in the business.
Christmas Day Pictures
Shelby and Cooper finding out what Santa brought. He was way to generous again this year, but we love to see how much fun the kids have seeing what they got.
It's even more fun seeing how excited they are about what they gave each other. Shelby went to great lengths to make Cooper a personalized Sun Devils shirt. He loved it!!
Jeff loves to take his time and savor every moment of his gift opening time. This year he got lots of new clothes to go with his svelt new body :)
Shelby became the queen of tie-dye this year. Besides this shirt she got some tie-dying kits and has already created 7 shirts.
Celeste and Shelby modeling their new dresses.
It's even more fun seeing how excited they are about what they gave each other. Shelby went to great lengths to make Cooper a personalized Sun Devils shirt. He loved it!!
Cooper checks opens up is laser battling air hogs
The he shows off the new Guitar Hero full band edition. We are now a rockin family!

Here's Shelby setting up the drum set.
This is Jeff's idea of an enjoyable Christmas morning. He thought the kids getting us up at 6:30 was way too early, but I'm a softy. I remember 4 and 5 am Christmas morning. Our poor milk cows didn't know what hit them on Christmas day, but the cows had to be milked before we opened gifts. My brothers got it done faster on Christmas day that any other day of the year. I was very lucky to be born a girl between 6 boys. It's cold in Snowflake on Christmas day!
Here's my beautiful daughter in her new Christmas clothes. This is in John and Sandy's front yard.

Jeff with 2 of his beautiful sisters Jacque and Jenny.
Jeff with Jenny
Jeff and his dad.
Our neice and nephew, Ryan Sheedy and James McCormack.

Here's my beautiful daughter in her new Christmas clothes. This is in John and Sandy's front yard.
Jeff with 2 of his beautiful sisters Jacque and Jenny.
Jeff's Birthday
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