Sunday, September 27, 2009

September WHAT??????

I don't know how many entries in my journal start with "It's been a long time since I've written." Unfortunately, a busy summer with a LOT of time spent at work and a few great trips and the fact that I waste time on Facebook lead me to know making a blog entry with the same salutation.

We had a great summer. My kids were troopers as Shelby's job this year was to hang out at home with Cooper while I worked. When we had to make a decision about whether or not she could get a job we decided that either she could work or I could work, so we compromised. She earned some spending money (her school wardrobe reflects that this year) and I was able to help things move along at the Mesa location of Vital Solutions.

We had a great trip to Snowflake for the Pioneer Day's celebration. The weekend before I turned 40 I participated in my first Keg Race (winning by the way - at the expense of Mindy breaking her neck and leg). It was probably the slowest Keg Race on record in Snowflake. The next morning I participated in my 1st 10k race. I actually won second in my age group of 30 - 39 year old women. I tried to claim 40 (my birthday was 2 days later) thinking it would be better for me, but I would have actually placed 3rd in that group. As the girl told me when I confessed, "honesty is always best."

Jeff arranged for a party at my parents house that night and invited my family and Lynae and Heidi and Keith. Shelby had the house all decorated when we got home from the rodeo. It was a really nice weekend.

Girl's camp was the next weekend with at wonderful theme of "I Still Believe". It was very Christ Centered and our stakes' first Sunday at camp provided an amazing spiritual atmosphere. We returned on a Monday and promptly packed our bags to head to San Diego.
We had another great week there with Jeff's family.

We came home from San Diego and had a couple of days to get the kids ready to begin school the next Wednesday. They are enjoying their year. Shelby started High School at Mountain View. She's amazingly busy with CP Chemistry, Symphony Orchestra, Algebra II, Block English and Social Studies and Seminary. Jeff and I were totally impressed with the quality of her classes when we went to the Parent night, but they are tough and keep her very busy with homework. Trying to fit in friends, boys, driving (ya, she's got her permit), texting, and facebook leave her just a little time for her Viola (she's named it Joyce). She's getting really good and has been going back and forth between 1st and 2nd chair.

Cooper is in 5th grade and is really enjoying his year. His teacher is Mrs. Peterson. She's new to the school, but seems to be doing well with her class. She enjoys Cooper. I think the fact that he doesn't have as many of his friends in his class as he did last year are going to be great for his grades. When I mentioned at PT conference that he seemed to have trouble with talking in the past his teacher was actually surprised. A great report card earned him a Sonic Blast on the way home that day.

Jeff and I were able to go on an amazing trip to Alaska with the majority of my siblings and their spouses (Doug and Jenn, Mindy and Chad weren't able to go). My goal is to make a cool DVD with our pictures, but that hasn't happened yet. I'm so grateful to my Mom for that great Christmas gift to celebrate my parent's 50th anniversary.

Speaking of my parents, I guess I should write about a dream I had when we were in San Diego. I was thinking about him because his birthday always falls during our San Diego week. I dreamed that I was in the kitchen in my Mom's house in Snowflake and I heard him walk into the front room. He was talking to those in the room, so I went in to see him. He gave me a big hug and I literally felt it in my sleep. It felt just like his hugs. I told Jeff about the experience later when I remembered it. Then a few weeks later Mindy wrote of a dream where he gave her a hug and that it felt so real. I feel like that was a great blessing and proof of a thin veil at times.

Anyway, the rest of my life seems to consist of trying to keep up with housework and dishes while spending a lot of time at work. Fortunately, the business seems to be moving along well. We've hired a great marketing person who is aleviating my load greatly and making it possible for me to be home when the kids get home from school. So, aside from having to get up at 5:45am to exercise so I can leave to work right after the kids go to school - things are looking up!

I've got tons of pictures to post, but I'll have to do some sort of collage to save time and space.