Sunday, September 21, 2008

Nephew and Niece

This week I guess you could say I put some focus on my Nephew and my Niece. I babysat Josh -Amy's son on Monday while she went to the dentist. He loved hangin out in Dicey's cage and he really loved wandering around the backyard.

Kari went through the temple Saturday morning and we had several family members there with her. Jeff took Cooper to his first Flag football game. It was a looooonnnnggg game as they had to be there an hour early and then the game didn't start until 45 minutes late. After I got back from the temple I got the house ready for the shower and put together my fruit salad.

There was a nice turnout for the shower and Kari got a lot of nice gifts. We had lots of food and I ate way too much of it. If the pictures will ever finish uploading I'll add a slide show of the pics from the shower.
Last night I crashed on the couch and finished reading a book called "Killing Sacred Cows". I'll recommend it as a good financial book with a lot of ideas that I want to implement. Alden (Kari's fiance) hung out here with me while Kari went to a "bachelorette party" with her friends. Shelby and her friends went around the neighborhood playing bigger and better and somehow ended up with a tube of chapstick (after starting with a clown doll). I'm still trying to figure out how that's bigger or better than nearly anything, but they had a great time. Jeff took Jackson and Cooper to the football game and watched ASU get beat by Georgia.

Today Shelby got to play a viola obilgato part while the choir sang in sacrament meeting. I got to substitute the Sunbeam/CTR 5 class and had a few laughs there. I'd say I'm glad I don't have that calling, but then I'd probably get it - but it does make me really grateful for all of my kids primary teachers. This afternoon we had home teachers, got a nap, I made rolls, then fixed dinner and we fed the missionaries. It's been a full week.

1 comment:

Alisa said...

I teach the CTR 5 class and I love it! They are so hilarious. My favorite is the little girl who tells me she is buff because "Ya, I workout." Her words exactly. It reminds me of something me, Krysten and Brittany would have said to each other. I love your blog bc then I can see how you are since I hardly see you in person!