Sunday, April 5, 2009

What did happen this week anyway?

Why is it that when I go to review my week to contemplate the great and exciting things that have happened, it seems like I didn't do anything, yet, I can guarantee you I didn't have any free time on my hands?

It's a busy time for us. We've added a couple of baseball games and at least one practice each week and there you go! Our Family Home Evening was spent at the ball field - unfortunately, Shelby stayed home so she could practice for her chair auditions for MYS and to do homework, so I don't know if it can really be counted as a Family Home Evening.

Tuesday I didn't go into work, but instead spent the day paying bills and taking care of some YW stuff. I then made lettuce wrap fixings for Enrichment night and for Amy and David (that's a tough thing to make for so many people - very time intensive), but instead of eating any for us we went to dinner at Manuels with Jeff's family to be able to see John and Kathy and their family before they went home and we completely missed them.

Wednesday the kids started the Aims testing - really a more important test for the teachers than for the students as far as I can tell (unless they're in high school).

Thursday Cooper had a game and we had YW softball. Friday Cooper had a friend come home form school with him, Shelby had a rehearsal for the Junior High Festival Orchestra (she's 1st chair violist by the way), and Jeff and I went to dinner/meeting with John and Jacqueline to nail down some ideas about Vital Solutions. After our meeting we picked Shelby up and went to visit with Joey and Vanessa Mortensen. Joey is having some serious health problems and we went so they could cheer us up:)

Now that I'm working so often I hate to go anywhere on Saturdays if I don't have to, so I took Shelby to her orchestra practice, fully enjoyed watching conference (you stay awake much better if you watch if from a treadmill!), took Cooper and his friend to practice, picked Shelby up, took her to get a salad at Subway, and dropped her off at Leslies to watch the 2nd session. Jeff was helping John and Jacqueline hang pictures at the new Mesa office of Vital Solutions, picked Cooper and Scotty up, took them to see Tim Hightower at the new Sports Authority (very exciting for Cooper - Time Hightower plays for the Arizona Cardinals).

Jeff then got ready and went to the Priesthood session. I had to take a big priveledge away from Cooper after he and his friend decided to walk to Chevron after I told them not to. The funny part was they both tried to deny it with BLUE MOUTHS from the candy they had been eating or icee they had been drinking. For awhile I was the meanest mom in the world, but felt better after Jeff and I came home from dinner and Cooper apologized. Sometimes concequences can be a good thing I guess. Besides, now the playroom is all picked up and the toys are organized in bins.

Today we had another great session of General conference. This time to stay awake I did a puzzle. I almost finished the whole thing, and have threatened my kids that they don't get to finish it for me after I've done the majority of the work!

We also fasted today for Joey Mortensen and for Kent Jones and Kristi Crum. All three of these are people who are very close to us who have serious cancer issues. They'll need some miracles in their lives!

I thouroughly enjoyed the conference talks this time around. I think the older I get the more I see their value and the how appropriate all of the talks are for me at this time. I was listeneing with the idea of our leadership meeting and was so happy to hear a talk that pushed me in the direction I think we should take our leadership meeting. I had some ideas during the YW general broadcase, but nothing that stuck out like the idea of letting the YW presidencies have real leadership experience in their classes rather than having the leaders do the majority of the planning and carrying out. I really feel like the girls will be able to feel how the Spirit can direct their classes if they rely on the Lord for direction - rather than relying on leaders to take care of everything.

I'm excited to talk about this with my counselors and see where we can take this.

Well, this has been more of a journal entry than a blog entry, but you can see that without really doing anything - my life has been full this week.


John and Lisa said...

I just have to say I that the older I get, the more I've gotten out of conference too. I have this "kodak moment", as a kid, in SLC at my grandparents, watching Marvin J. Ashton on t.v. Don't know why...I just remember that vision in my head. I don't remember anything I heard as a kid...but now I seem to absorb it all in. Busy, busy time in our lives, huh? Thanks for sharing.

Jennifer said...

I love Conference more now too...there's hope for our kids huh?

Anonymous said...

Hey Celeste,

Thanks for linking my website to your blog! I'm taking pictures of Mindy's little sweetheart tomorrow! So fun! Did you see the ones of Mary? Could her little face be any sweeter! Thanks for setting that up.

` Amy