That means that in 6 months we'll be looking at a Learner's Permit and she could legally drive around this city! Aughhhh!
I've gotta say though, I am so lucky to have Shelby as my daughter. She is such a wonderful girl. She's got a lot of common sense (most of the time) and a really sweet disposition. She's also very motivated to succeed in school and on her viola. She's so responsible that I usually wonder where it all comes from. I am so glad she has great friends she hangs around with. I know that makes a huge difference in her attitude and behavior.

Saturday night Shelby and her friend Alex Adair (far right) had a combined birthday party with their friends. The played Dance Dance Revolution in the basement, ate Pizza and cake and icecream, sat around the fire pit on the back porch and played Capture the Flag on our street. They seemed to have a great time. Like I said we're so lucky she hangs out with such a great group of girls.

Shelby and Cooper sat nicely with Dicey. Notice Shelby holding her much anticipated gift for this birthday. She's had a countdown on her school binder for around 3 1/2 months now.

She didn't even have to look at the instruction manual on her cell phone. She knew right what to do. She felt like we were the last parents in the world to allow their teenager to have a phone. We're being a bit mean though and making her pay for her texting time. Jeff and I both thought (and still kind of do) that it was ridiculous for her to think she needs a phone. We still don't think she needs it, but I guess we gave in. Now at least we have a great external motivator for following all the rules.

Tonight after dinner our Dana cousins came over to help her celebrate. She got to blow out the candles again with the little ones looking on excitedly.
Happy Birthday Shelby. We love you!!!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my beautiful niece!!!!
Happy Birthday Shelby & Cooper too! Congrats on the new business. I hope it goes well. I will put your link on my blog. Love ya~!
Meg :-)
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