Monday, September 29, 2008

Kari and Alden's Wedding Reception

Kari and Alden show up at the luncheon
Kari and Crystal at the Luncheon
Kari Sings to Alden "I cross my Heart"

I took a few pictures of Kari's wedding reception. Most of my time was spent in the kitchen serving refreshments and Jeff mixed about 20 batches of Frappe. All of the girls in the family were working to keep the chocolate fountain flowing, the cake served, and the frappe cups filled. Darrell and Crystal had to make an executive decision about 2 1/2 hours before the reception to move it to the Pioneeer Park chapel from the lawn by the James M. Flake home because it started blowing and raining as we were setting up. I've got to say, the kitchen help was pretty relieved about that because it would have been tough to keep up with the fountain and the frappe without a kitchen.

Kari looked like a Princess in her wedding dress and the kids had a great time dancing at the reception. I wish I had my camera when Kari danced with her Dad. They did a great swing and Kari's dress flowed just beautifully. I did get some good cutting the cake pictures and the throwing of rice when they left.

Wedding Cake
Wedding Cake Again

Posing at the cake table
Cutting the cake

Delicately feeding each other cake

A messy kiss

Nice wedding MakeupHappy couple Kari and Alden Whipple
This is what happens when you have a bunch of brothers

Kari and Crystal
Darrell - the proud Dad

Mannaseh clears out before Kari throws the bouquet
Daliah Scores
Alright already Alden - get the Garter
There it goes
Getting ready to leave
Rend and Crystal
I had to get a least one of my kids in here
Daliah and her prize
Avoiding little missles of rice

They play the ole swithcheroo and take Kari's truck instead of Alden's ha ha brothers

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

Celeste! I am SO glad you got those cake shots! Where was my brain when I thought we'd gotten all the important shots! {Probably GONE because the kids (and Brandon) were SO done having me be busy!} You did great!

Weren't they just the perfect looking couple!?