Sunday, August 17, 2008


Have you ever seen cuter kids?

1st day of school pictures

Shelby and Cooper had to get back into a grueling schedule after a great San Diego vacation. School's back in with early hours and homework and both of the favorite part - practicing the piano regularly again.

Shelby's in 9th grade - thank heavens she doesn't have to jump in that big pond called High School yet. She's busy with classes, likes most of her teachers, loves orchestra and seminary - and will have new experiences with a biology teacher telling her about evolution vs. creationism. Isn't it a good thing that she has that seminary to counter-balance un-proven science.

Cooper is in 4th grade. His teacher is Debbie Freestone - who is a friend of ours from our last ward. I already had to get after her because Cooper used what she told the class against me. I was telling him about how piano was so good for him and that I made him play because I love him so much - when he came back telling me that Mrs. Freestone says that grandparents (she is a grandmother)love grandkids more than parents do. She responded that she knew when she said that that she might get called on that one sometime. I signed him up to play flag football through the YMCA again this year. He loved that last year.

How are my kids growing up so fast?

They both had a good week at school. Friday after school we went to Pine and Camp Lo Mia for a ward campout. We had a great time with our ward family. There was lots of visiting - a talent show finished off by a member of our ward who is a comedian/juggler on cruise ships, great food and the kids had a great time exploring the camp and visiting Mona's bridge. I only got a couple of pictures taken before my batteries died in my camera.
Cooper and the other kids in the ward are awaiting instructions for the egg toss.


Mindy said...

Come on Shelby. Every time I see you, you look skinnier. What do you want, to weigh 0?


Jennifer said...

Shelby can NOT be a freshmen! Pretty soon she's going to be driving and dating....I don't like how fast she's growing up either!

Alisa said...

Shelby is way too cute. YOu should definitely not let her go to school.. I think you better just keep her at home!!