Sunday, October 4, 2009

First Day of School

So I got the kids off to school on the first day. I drove the carpool to Mountain View for Shelby's first day and then I dropped Cooper off at Franklin for his first day of 5th grade. I get to the school and see all of the parents taking the traditional 1st day of school pictures in front of the bell and in front of the school sign and realize that I completely forgot about 1st day of school pictures. What kind of mother am I? I was so concerned about getting them off to school and then getting home in time to get to work that I forgot a very important part of our 1st day ritual. I was literally sick for the rest of the day. I had so much guilt about my hours of work anyway that this was some really gross icing on the cake for me. Anyway, I picked the kids up from school and brought them home to take their 1st day of school pictures AFTER they got home.


Merkley Jiating said...

Hey, it was still the first day of school! That totally counts!

Jennifer said...

Tell Shelby that I love her shirt!