Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Big Brother

I had a story about getting stopped last week and asking if I could not get written up if I mentioned one of the members of the force. I am deliberately using ambiguous language because after posting that story I got a call from my husband telling me that someone had called and said that the powers that be in his city called him and told him that the story was posted on my blog and that he could get into trouble if his superiors found out that his name was used to get out of a citation. If you read the story before I had to take it off, you know that it was very mild and not really interesting at all, but apperantly there is a Big Brother who watches what is posted on the internet.

I was so surprised that my little blog with a total of 52 hits as of yesterday, caught the attention of big city authorities. So - Watch what you post on the WEB - Big Brother is Watching!!!

1 comment:

Shea & Yvette Flake said...

Hey Celeste, love your blog! Shelby looks so old! Hope all is good with you and your family! Yvette