Monday, September 29, 2008

Snowflake Cousins and Horses

Here are some pictures of hangin' out in Snowflake. I love it when my kids get to go there and hang out with their cousins.

Mindy's son Briant rides Thunnnnnnnder Bolt with Uncle Travis helping

Doug helps Ryan ride Dana - it's only right, they have the same color hair

Cooper loves to ride Business - he was a bit sore after going riding for a couple of hours with his Uncles Doug, Wynn, And Travis and his cousins Jake and Tori. He got to ride Grandpa's horse Chester on the ride.
Trav and Teresa's son Trevan poses
Josh and Trevan 2 cute cousins
Shelby relaxes on the floor
Cooper's trying to strike a Heisman pose

1 comment:

Ross Family said...

Ok, so I loved the video about the state of our country! Thanks for posting that. I like your blog too. Its fun to keep up with cousins!